Story of the lives
Looking into today life-lesson over kenduri ros and mini reunion. Everything happens with reasons at the right time.
Sometimes there are too many stories that you would know when you are getting near to someone. One that had been years knowing but were not really observed. One that you know really kind and soft but disguised over the naughty remarks and traits. 😥 Yes, I often judge. But not someone to condemn. Hope not the thou all know.
Most of my life were enclosed. But I am someone that could be so busybody to cross others life. Say hello so many time when my talk quota had not yet depleted. (Yes, I do have when I talk too much like after a day of dispensing/adapting to new bed). Sometimes too caring that are annoying. 😑 Talking bout Chong. -,-
No matter how different your life is, how long is your journey, how much hardship that you had been, I pray that you could go through all of these test successfully and attain mardhatillah. I really meant it because I love all my friend, sahabat & family.
You won't know since when your level of just kenalan (literally all that I know of either batchmates, classmates or just tresspasser) had levelled up to friend or sahabat. Which means a loooot difference. Although my face still koya. 😆 And plain.
Remember this; since I also lived up to this.
You don't know that maybe your life today depends on others doa. Because they love you without you knowing. And the love is whispered into the strong heart. Because kind heart is able too see. Why? Only Allah knows. Maybe He loves you too.
Pray that I istiqamah. Pray that I am also in others doa too.
Love all of my friend. XOXO♡♡♡ (even though I thought that this were way too cheesy)
The Busybody,
Lin/ Amal/Melly/ Malina/Amalina
Believe me these are my nicknames.
Love you too!