Ups and downs. Drowned.

Assalamualaikum. Hi there, its me in worn out state.

I've made mistake. For the hundredth time I forgot.

For that I'll throw and punch myself here for like I don't want to be defeated again. To that extent, I've longed for Him more and more.

Premise 1: I am a kid, who wanted a beautiful kazoku like others had, for that I never known for others hardship that I created an ideal-not-realistic phenomenon.

Premise 2 : I have regret my treatment for others who had been near, until they had find their way out and far beyond reach. When I realized it the timing were gone, I had trying hard to let it go, as I had already thought they was not mine anymore and not in the first place. Plus, I am not in a match for the GOOD them have I missed. Plus plus, they should have their own good life story.

Premise 3 : For old times I had, gone wasted unconciously and tearfully. Never ever came back to mend.

Premise 4 : I still tying myself to the insignificant false hope. But obviously I have not clearly define the goal that I had let my own judgement floating without destination.

Premise 5 : This had really bothering me. Your shoulder could not take more load. You could strive but that were all Allah work.

Conclusion : Greedy and being overly fantasizing will lead you to bigger illusion. You shall not arrived at your destination safely. Life is like a storm in the ocean. Drive it with a guide and strive and belief. Pray more. Think more. Remember more.

Soon. Itis really near. Never forgets.

Head hits like a spinning wheel. Dull and localised.

Get back quick. Please.

4.02 am, 30th September 2016.


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